O presente artigo tem por objetivo examinar criticamente a relativização da doutrina da nulidade da lei inconstitucional, suas causas e consequências. Partindo de um breve resgate teórico e histórico acerca da tese da nulidade das leis inconstitucionais, de matriz norte-americana, o artigo examina concepções rivais e evidencia a relativização pela qual passou referida concepção. Ao final, o artigo busca evidenciar os méritos de uma compreensão atualizada da teoria da invalidade das normas inconstitucionais, que se beneficie da noção de nulidade sem, no entanto, induzir em problemas e efeitos indesejados dela eventualmente decorrentes.
The Theory of invalidity of unconstitutional laws is central to the understanding of constitutional jurisdiction and constitutional control institutes. The field requires a theoretical deepening, to the extent that the literature remains too attached to ideal schemes linking the thesis of ity and annulability of unconstitutional laws to different models of judicial review in an uncritical way. This article explores this theme, showing the causes of the attenuation of theory of ity of unconstitutional laws and the forthcoming of the systems that enshrine this thesis or his rival. The findings seem to show the need for such attenuation in several constitutional experiences as well as the positive aspects that it may assume,without hiding, however, some risks that entails. The article demonstrates the need for a review of the theoretical concept of invalidity of unconstitutional rules, arguing that a vision that combines the two rival theories tends to be better in
theoretical and practical terms, than traditional conceptions.