O uso abusivo de inseticidas quÃmicos na agricultura pode trazer grandes prejuÃzos à saúde humana, ao meio
ambiente e pode causar o aumento na abundância de pragas agrÃcolas, graças ao desequilÃbrio resultante
da destruição de inimigos naturais, como fungos entomopatogênicos, importantes no controle biológico de
pragas agrÃcolas. O trabalho visa a avaliar a interferência de dois fungicidas quÃmicos, Nativo
The overuse of chemical pesticides in agriculture can bring great prejudice to human health, to the environment,
and may cause an increase in the abundance of agricultural pests due to the unbalance resulting from the
destruction of natural enemies such as entomopathogenic fungus. They are very important in biological controlof the agricultural pests. The study aims to evaluate the interference of two chemical fungicides, Nativoâ„¢ and
Bendazolâ„¢ and the development of the fungus Metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum; Metarhizium flavoviride
var. flavoviride; Metarhizium anisopliae var. lepidiotum, fungus of interest in biological control of soybean.
The tests were performed in vitro with the PDA culture medium in the presence of fungicides in the field concentration,
other six dilutions and control test. We evaluated the toxic effect of the fungicide through the fungus’
vegetative growth. The fungicide Nativoâ„¢ presented (MIC) of 20 mL/L, for the fungus M. anisopliae var.
acridum; MIC of 150 mL/L for the fungus M. flavoviride var. flavoviride; MIC of 350 mL/L for the fungus M.
anisopliae var. lepidiotum. The fungicide Bendazolâ„¢ presented (MIC) of 170 mL/L for the fungus M. anisopliae
var. acridum; MIC of 350 mL/L. for the fungus M. flavoviride var. flavoviride; MIC of 350 mL/L. for the fungus
M. anisopliae var. lepidiotum. Thus we can conclude that the Nativoâ„¢ and Bendazolâ„¢, inhibit the growth of
strains of Metarhizium sp.