O presente estudo visou caracterizar os participantes do Projeto AMA – Atividade Motora Adaptada. Por meio de uma pesquisa de campo, foram entrevistados 88 participantes com deficiência do referido projeto. O instrumento utilizado foi um questionário. Os resultados expressaram que 35% dos participantes apresentam deficiência física, sendo as atividades aquáticas praticadas por 47%. Os motivos elencados para adesão no projeto foram primeiramente a vontade de praticar atividades físicas, já os benefícios remetem-se a melhora na qualidade de vida. Entende-se que os projetos extensionistas são espaços para a elaboração e construção de novos saberes, os quais também devem contemplar a participação de pessoas com deficiência.
This This research presents the characterization of an university extension project, developed by Physical Education course at Paraná University (UNIPAR), which meets several people with special educational needs (SEN) in the city of Toledo - PR and region through Recreational Water activities, Swimming, Capoeira, Table Tennis, Wheelchair Handball and Parabadminton. The objectives of this study are characterizing the project participants and check their perception regarding the effects promoted by adapted motor activities offered. Through field research, descriptive and cross-sectional design 88 participants were interviewed, all with SEN. The instrument used for data collection was a semi-structured questionnaire consisting of 18 open and closed questions. According to project participants, a perception of the benefits provided by AMA (Adapted Motor Activity) was significant. Participants reports indicated a motor skills development increase (100%); physical activity stimulus (89%); quality of life and health improvement (78%), self-esteem promotion (77%); the ability to handle problems and stress optimized (75%) and daily living activities performance improvement (51%). Through these results, we can see the importance of the actions undertaken by the AMA on various aspects of life and health of people with SEN.