O Parque Estadual do Jurupará – PEJU é uma Unidade de Conservação de Proteção Integral de 26.250,47 ha, situada no Estado de São Paulo entre os municÃpios de Ibiúna e Piedade e coberta por vegetação tÃpica de Mata Atlântica.
The Jurupará State Park – PEJU is an Integral Protection Conservation Unit
of 26,250.47 ha, located in São Paulo State between Ibiúna and Piedade and covered with
vegetation typical of the Atlantic Forest. The objectives of this study were to identify and to
systematize the information on environmental education from PEJU, to assess and to design
strategies for the park, to aid the management of this conservation area. Interviews were
carried out and systematic analysis of environmental education activities undertaken in
PEJU from 2004 to 2006. Analysis of the methodology for the environmental education
program of PEJU, pedagogical proposals of environmental education implemented in
schools of Piedade, Itapecerica da Serra, Juquitiba and São Lourenço and advertising
materials were carried out. It was concluded that the environmental education program of
that park has no continuity or a defined policy.