O presente trabalho avaliou o crescimento das micro e pequenas empresas do setor comercial, industrial e de serviços no municÃpio de Palmas, Tocantins, por meio da aplicação de um modelo de shift-share entre os anos de 2007 e 2009. Tal diagnóstico permite evidenciar um crescimento desproporcional entre os portes empresariais estudados e seus respectivos setores. Utilizando as variáveis porte e setor empresarial pra analisar a dinâmica de crescimento regional na perspectiva de comparação entre elas, e fundamentado no modelo shift-share, pôde-se concluir que apesar de ocorrer o crescimento empresarial no perÃodo analisado, tendo como principal fator as empresas comerciais, as indústrias e prestadoras de serviços tiveram efeitos estruturais negativos.
This paper assessed the growth of small and micro enterprises of trade, industrial and services sectors in Palmas municipality (state of Tocantins) through the implementation of a shift-share model comparing the years 2007 and 2009. This study identified a disproportional growth between the enterprise sizes and their respective sectors. The enterprise size and the sector were used as variables to analyze the regional growth dynamics for comparison based on a shift-share model. It was possible to conclude that despite the growth that occurred in general, having the trade enterprises as main factors, industrial and services enterprises experienced negative structural effects on their growths.