The ecosystem net radiation has a complex variation, and represents the energy available for physical and biological processes that occurbetween the vegetated surface and atmosphere. Therefore, the objective of this study was to analyze the complexity of net radiation measuredabove the canopy of a seasonal flooded forest in the northern Pantanal from the perspective of complexity theory. The attractors wereseasonal reconstructed by the estimation of the exponents correlation dimension (D2(wet) = 1,73±0,05 and D2(dry) = 1,36±0,18), embeddeddimension (m = 7), rate of recurrence (RR(wet) = 0,144±0,004 and RR(dry) = 0,169±0,002) and determinism (DET(wet) = 0,896±0,013 andDET(dry) = 0,973±0,015) data sets analyzed. The results showed the existence of strange attractors of low fractal dimension, and sensitiveto the seasonality of radiation balance.