Animation with Algodoo: a simple tool for teaching and learning physics

Ex@tas Online

Av.José Moreira Sobrinho S/N Jequiezinho
Jequié / BA
Telefone: (73) 3528-9621
ISSN: 21780471
Editor Chefe: Dr. Ademakson Souza Araújo
Início Publicação: 30/09/2009
Periodicidade: Semestral
Área de Estudo: Matemática

Animation with Algodoo: a simple tool for teaching and learning physics

Ano: 2014 | Volume: 5 | Número: 2
Autores: Samir L. da Silva , Rodrigo L. da Silva , Judismar T. Guaitolini Junior 1 , Elias Gonçalves , Emilson R. Viana and João B. L. Wyatt
Autor Correspondente: S. L. da Silva | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: Animation; Algodoo; Physics Teaching; Projectile Motion

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

In the present work we have made use of the animation freeware
Algodoo, as an easy handling tool to teach and learn physics. The animation is based on the oblique
motion model and we have described the movement qualitatively, showing changes
in the trajectory of an object as we modify the control parameters, such as speed and
launch angle. Exploring the software graphical tools, the consistency between the
results obtained by the animation and the literature is maintained, for example the
maximum height and the rise time of the disc. This tool can be a
pplied to students from different education levels, and also to undergraduate and high school students.
The aim this paper is to use Algodoo for didactic purposes.