Araucaria angustifolia Budding Techniques in Indoor and Outdoor Stablished Rootstocks

Floresta e Ambiente

Rodovia BR 465, km 07, Campus da UFRRJ - IF-NIDFLOR - UFRRJ
Seropédica / RJ
Telefone: (21) 2681-4986
ISSN: 2179-8087
Editor Chefe: João Vicente de Figueiredo Latorraca
Início Publicação: 31/12/1993
Periodicidade: Trimestral

Araucaria angustifolia Budding Techniques in Indoor and Outdoor Stablished Rootstocks

Ano: 2019 | Volume: 26 | Número: 3
Autores: Helena Cristina Rickli-Horst; Ivar Wendling; Henrique Soares Koehler; Katia Christina Zuffellato-Ribas
Autor Correspondente: Helena Cristina Rickli-Horst | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: brazilian-pine; grafting; greenhouse; field orchard

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

The objective of this work was to evaluate the technical feasibility of budding in A. angustifolia in two rootstocks establishment, performed in two seasons of the year. In October and April, patch and flute budding techniques were carried on rootstocks kept indoor (greenhouse) and established outdoor (field), with grafts of adult female plants. The percentage of survival, percentage of shoots and number of shoots up to 300 days after budding (DAB) were evaluated. The patch budding performed in October showed the greatest grafts survival rates (82%) and percentage of shoots in the grafts (64%) at 180 DAB. The flute budding showed highest number of shoots (2.7 at 120 DAB and 3.5 at 180 DAB) when compared to patch budding. The use of the patch budding is recommended in spring, not requiring a controlled environment for the rootstocks. After 180 DAB there were no losses of grafted plants.