Este estudo objetivou pensar a relevância dos arquivos cartoriais a partir da análise do Cartório de Santa Rosa de Lima, distrito do Município de Montes Claros, localizado no norte do Estado de Minas Gerais. A metodologia adotada consistiu em entrevistas e análise de documentos, bem como da estrutura física do referido Cartório, por isso, as fontes da pesquisa emergiram dessa estratégia de trabalho.
The registry is a private institution that performs activities for the public life. Their social function is of great relevance in modern society. This study aimed to think about the relevance of the Office registry archival from the Registry of Santa Rosa de Lima, district of the city of Montes Claros, located in the North of the State of Minas Gerais. The adopted methodology consisted of interviews and review of documents, as well as the building, furniture, space organization and various documents of the Registry, so the sources of research emerged thiswork strategy.