Este artigo enfatiza abordagens de design centradas em práticas democráticas e disruptivas. Ao concentrar-se em artistas e designers que adotam uma linha crítica da disciplina, começa a descrever alguns temas explorados no simpósio Matérias de Educação em Arte e Design (MADE), na Pennsylvania State University, e examina alguns dos horizontes teóricos que eles apontam. Na segunda parte do artigo, o autor entrevista o artista e designer Carlos Rosas, que ajudou a desenvolver, e atualmente é o Professor Responsável pelo programa IDS - Interdisciplinary Digital Studio, um programa de Bacharelado em Design (B.Des) na Escola de Artes Visuais, naquela pretigiosa universidade de pesquisa.
This article emphasizes approaches to design which are centered on democratic and disruptive practices. By focusing on artists and designers who embrace a critical edge of the discipline, it begins describing a few themes explored in the symposium Matters of Art & Design Education (MADE), at the Pennsylvania State University, and examines some of the theoretical horizons they point to. In the second part of the article, the author interviews the artist and designer Carlos Rosas, who helped develop, and is currently the Professsor in Charge of the IDS—Interdisciplinary Digital Studio program, a Bachelor of Design (B.Des) program in the School of Visual Arts, at that prestigious research University.