Assessment of water and sediment quality variation due to organic and conventionally irrigated pre-germinated rice-field cultivation

Revista Ambiente E Água

Estrada Mun. Dr. José Luiz Cembranelli, 5.000 - Bairro Itaim
Taubaté / SP
Telefone: (12) 3625-4212
ISSN: 1980993X
Editor Chefe: Nelson Wellausen Dias
Início Publicação: 31/07/2006
Periodicidade: Quadrimestral
Área de Estudo: Ciências Agrárias, Área de Estudo: Ciências Biológicas, Área de Estudo: Ciências Exatas, Área de Estudo: Engenharias, Área de Estudo: Multidisciplinar

Assessment of water and sediment quality variation due to organic and conventionally irrigated pre-germinated rice-field cultivation

Ano: 2022 | Volume: 17 | Número: 2
Autores: Enio Sebastião Vicente de Jesus, Letícia Schönhofen Longoni, Luciano Kayser Vargas, Anelise Beneduzi
Autor Correspondente: Anelise Beneduzi | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: CETESB; coliforms; CONAMA no 357/2005; FEPAM Ordinance no 85/2014; irrigated rice; physicochemical analysis

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Português:

Neste estudo, avaliou-se a qualidade da água e do sedimento de amostras coletadas em diferentes pontos de arrozais orgânicos (O1, O2, O3 e O4) e convencionais (C1, C2 e C3) pré-germinados em Viamão/RS. Indicadores de qualidade como fósforo, oxigênio dissolvido, manganês, ferro, turbidez e DBO5 reduziram a qualidade da água além das classes 3 e 4, conforme definido pela Resolução CONAMA 357/2005. Com base nos níveis de alumínio, as amostras de água coletadas em todos os pontos foram categorizadas como classe 4; além disso, o IQA classificou a qualidade das amostras de água dos pontos O4 e C1 como "ruim". A relação DQO/DBO foi alta, demonstrando que a fração biodegradável era consideravelmente baixa. A condutividade da água nos pontos O4, C1, C2 e C3, ultrapassou 100 µS/cm, conforme definido pela CETESB, indicativo de ambientes impactados. Os teores de zinco em C1 e níquel em O2, C2 e C3 no sedimento superaram os valores de referência de qualidade estabelecidos pela Portaria FEPAM 85/2014. De maneira geral, a mais baixa qualidade da água foi observada nas amostras coletadas nos pontos O2 e O4, e a mais baixa qualidade do sedimento foi observada nas amostras coletadas em todos os pontos nos arrozais convencionais e no ponto O2 nos arrozais orgânicos.

Palavras-chave: análises físico-químicas; arroz irrigado; CETESB; coliformes; CONAMA no 357/2005; Portaria FEPAM no 85/2014

Resumo Inglês:

This study evaluated the water and sediment quality of samples collected from different points in organic (O1, O2, O3, and O4) and conventional (C1, C2, and C3) pre-germinated rice fields located in Viamão/RS. Quality indicators such as phosphorus, dissolved oxygen, manganese, iron, turbidity, and BOD5 reduced water quality beyond Classes 3 and 4, as defined by CONAMA Resolution 357/2005. Based on the aluminum levels, the water samples collected from all the points were categorized as Class 4; furthermore, the IQA classified the quality of water samples from Points O4 and C1 as “bad.” The COD/BOD ratio was high, demonstrating that the biodegradable fraction was considerably low. The conductivity of water at points O4, C1, C2, and C3, exceeded 100 µS/cm, as defined by CETESB, indicating impacted environments. The levels of zinc in C1 and nickel in O2, C2, and C3 in the sediment exceeded the quality reference values established by the FEPAM Ordinance 85/2014. In general, the lowest water quality was observed in the samples collected from Points O2 and O4, and the lowest sediment quality was observed in the samples collected from all points in the conventional rice fields and from Point O2 in the organic rice field.

Keywords: CETESB; coliforms; CONAMA no 357/2005; FEPAM Ordinance no 85/2014; irrigated rice; physicochemical analysis

Resumo Espanhol:

This study evaluated the water and sediment quality of samples collected from different points in organic (O1, O2, O3, and O4) and conventional (C1, C2, and C3) pre-germinated rice fields located in Viamão/RS. Quality indicators such as phosphorus, dissolved oxygen, manganese, iron, turbidity, and BOD5 reduced water quality beyond Classes 3 and 4, as defined by CONAMA Resolution 357/2005. Based on the aluminum levels, the water samples collected from all the points were categorized as Class 4; furthermore, the IQA classified the quality of water samples from Points O4 and C1 as “bad.” The COD/BOD ratio was high, demonstrating that the biodegradable fraction was considerably low. The conductivity of water at points O4, C1, C2, and C3, exceeded 100 µS/cm, as defined by CETESB, indicating impacted environments. The levels of zinc in C1 and nickel in O2, C2, and C3 in the sediment exceeded the quality reference values established by the FEPAM Ordinance 85/2014. In general, the lowest water quality was observed in the samples collected from Points O2 and O4, and the lowest sediment quality was observed in the samples collected from all points in the conventional rice fields and from Point O2 in the organic rice field.

Keywords: CETESB; coliforms; CONAMA no 357/2005; FEPAM Ordinance no 85/2014; irrigated rice; physicochemical analysis