The characterization of the socioeconomic profile isanessential tool for various types of analysis, whe nonewantsto know the relations of social processes, economic production over a givenarea, the living conditions of a particular community orgroup of people, and howto determine Its patternofgrowth and development. The present study aimed to evaluate the socioeconomic profile of fishfarmers in the city of Porto Grande, Amapá, Brazil. Eighteen fishfarmers wereinterviewed, as a methodological support, weused qualitative and quantitative research, with application of forms, in these are exposed structured and semi-structured questions. With statistical analysis encompassingallstages of descriptive statistics. The main research findings are the predominance of males in the activity, the mean age of 48.07 ± years, the majority of respondents are married. In school, therewas a predominance of incomplete fundamental level. Fish farmingis not presented as exclusive income, requiring supplementation to meet the needs of families, including agriculture. From the seresults, it was possibleto analyze a range of situations that were never discussed in o thers cientific studies for this region, which praises the importance of this socioeconomic survey.