O objetivo desse estudo foi realizar um levantamento dos artigos publicados e disponíveis para a pesquisa na base de dados SCIELO sobre o tema vacinação. O estudo foi de caráter descritivo, baseado na consulta à base de dados SCIELO, onde buscamos os artigos que tinham associação com o tema escolhido. Foram encontrados 217 artigos e destes, após lidos, 87 foram selecionados. As categorias criadas foram: estudos experimentais, estudos bibliográficos e outros. As categorias “Estudos experimentais” e “Estudos bibliográficos” foram divididas em três subcategorias nomeadas de forma homônima em eficácia de vacinas, biotecnologia e prevenção. Concluímos que a pesquisa apontou temas de caráter bastante diversificado, com muitos trabalhos referentes a estudos experimentais.
The aim of this study was to select the articles which were available for the research in the database SCIELO on the theme vaccination. The research is of the descriptive king, based on inquiry to the database SCIELO, where we looked for the articles which were associated with the chosen theme. 217 articles were found and, after being read, 87 were selected. The categories which were created were: experimental as well as bibliographical studies and others. The categories “experimental Studies” and “Bibliographical Studies” were divided in three subcategories nominated as homonymous as far as effectiveness of vaccines, biotechnology and prevention are concerned. We got to the conclusion that the research aimed at quite diversified themes, with several kinds of works referring to experimental studies.