Carcinoma escamoso oral em gato jovem

Acta Scientiae Veterinariae

Telefone: (51) 3308-6964
ISSN: 16799216
Editor Chefe: [email protected]
Início Publicação: 31/12/1969
Periodicidade: Trimestral
Área de Estudo: Medicina Veterinária

Carcinoma escamoso oral em gato jovem

Ano: 2010 | Volume: 38 | Número: 3
Autores: Liliana Borges de Menezes, Marcelo Seixo de Brito e Silva, Luciano Schneider da Silva, Carlos Eduardo Chiquetto, Marina Pacheco Miguel, Mariana Moreira Andrascho
Autor Correspondente: Liliana Borges de Menezes | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: cirurgia, felino, neoplasia oral, carcinoma de células escamosas

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

Background: Oral neoplasms are common in cats. Just the percentage of oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) accounts for
about 70% of all feline oral tumors also it is considered highly invasive and malignant. There are reports that the flea collar
increases five times the risk oral SCC development. In addition, smoke exposure is also considered a risk factor, and the
animals were exposed to tobacco when makes it self-cleaning. SCC well differentiated is characterized histologically by
numerous keratin pearls formation and clearly evident intercellular bridges with poor mitotic activity and nuclear pleomorphism.
The median age of cats with oral SCC is about 11-13 years, but, cats as young as three years and as old as twenty-one
years have been previously reported. However, it was not found reports of oral SCC in cats at age younger than one year old.
The aim of this article is reports one case of oral SCC feline at age of three months old. Five days after surgical procedure the
patient returned to the veterinary and the owner report that it returned to eating well.
Case: It was exanimate a three months old male mixed breed cat presenting oral volume increased and the biopsy test was
suggested. However, the owner returned 3 months later when the animal showed tumor 6 cm in diameter, dysphagia, tongue
protrusion, excessive salivation, halitosis and weight loss. It was indicated a wide surgical excision of tumoral mass. The tissue
was submitted to histopathology.
Discussion: The historical, macroscopic characteristics and predisponents factors may aid in carcinoma diagnosis, however,
the cytologic or histological examination of tissue confirms this diagnosis. Therefore, the microscopic evaluation revealed a
malignant neoplastic proliferation of stratified squamous epithelial cells desmosomal junctions evident, few foci keratin pearl
formation and presence of mononuclear inflammatory reaction perifocal. A well-differentiated squamous cell carcinoma was
diagnosed by histological study. Thirty days after the surgical procedure, the animal showed a complete recovery with weight
increase and eating normally. Thus, surgery proves to provide excellent quality of life maintenance for a long period of time
and, although it had shown no signs of recurrence at the present moment, the literature describes that SCC long-term recurrences
are common. Indeed, an important question is the quality of life of the felines with oral SCC, whereas this neoplasm led
to a marked decrease in eating and drinking due to pain. Therefore, the treatment target is making the possible to maintain an
excellent quality of life as long as possible. With the surgery was possible the maintenance of an excellent quality of life for a
longer period. An early diagnosis could have defined the need for surgical procedure before the animal presented clinical signs
characteristic, whereas represent a locally invasive neoplasm with poor response to conventional treatments models and
unfavorable prognosis. Actually, increased incidences of SCC have been associated with clinical and preventive veterinary
medicine improvements, which led to the prolongation of life to this animal, becoming more susceptible to senile disease, but
this paper reports one case of oral SCC feline at age of three months old.