This study is about the literary production from 1975 to 1983 and its
critical reception. The corpus analyzed is composed of the letters from
Paulo Leminski and Caio Fernando Abreu colected in the books Cartas –
Caio Fernando Abreu, org. Ãtalo Morriconi, and Envie meu dicionário:
cartas e alguma crÃtica, org. Régis Bonvicino. The letters and the critical
reception is studied under the concepts of archive, as defines by Michel
Foucault and Jacques Derrida, from the books Archeology of Knowledge
and Archive Fever: a Freudian Impression. The enunciation system
originated in the study is then descripted and analyzed with the concepts of
literary field, habitus and capital, as defined by Pierre Bourdieu. These
concepts are used to describe the actions of Abreu and Leminski in the
literary field of the time. The results of the study of both letter collections
is then read under the concept of minor literature, as defined by Deleuze
and Guattari.