The term Industry 4.0 was used in 2011 in Germany and is being
called the fourth industrial revolution. It encompasses the implementation
of high technology capable of making the “Intelligent
Factory”, in order to increase productivity and go beyond that,
integrate production, machines, and users with the use of communication
technologies. It is not only about the increase of new technologies
in production but will reach dimensions in labor relations,
in social and institutional spaces, and regulation. Therefore,
the objective of this paper is to identify the main guidelines that
should integrate the public agenda of governments with the advent
of industry 4.0. For this purpose, bibliographic research was used.
The main results of this research were the following: regulation
of new technologies, training, and adaptation of the labor market,
integration of the public management systems through IoT, policies
to stimulate the implementation of the main technologies
and innovations in Industry 4.0, not only in economic activities
but also improve the distribution systems of public services and