Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de investigar a composição química do óleo essencial, atividades biológicas do óleo essencial e dos extratos de Hertia cheirifolia. Os componentes voláteis da parte aérea de H. cheirifolia, obtidos por hidrodestilação, foram analisados por GC/MS. Foram identificados 56 compostos que representam 98,41% do petróleo total. Porém, todo o óleo foi caracterizado pela predominância de três componentes, α-Pineno (33,07%), 1-[1-Metil-1-(4-metil-ciclohex-3-enil)-etil]-1H-pirrol (28,08%) e Germacrena D (19,59%). A atividade eliminadora de radicais livres do essencial e dos extratos foi determinada pelo sistema modelo 1,1-difenil-2-picrilhidrazil (DPPH). A atividade antifúngica mostrou que o óleo essencial, o extrato metanólico e o extrato aquoso de H. cheirifolia reduziram significativamente o crescimento de Fusarium graminearum, F. oxysporum f. sp. albedinis e F. culmorum.
This study was carried out with the objective to investigate the essential oil chemical composition, essential oil and extracts biological activities of Hertia cheirifolia. The volatile components of the aerial parts of H. cheirifolia, obtained by hydrodistillation, have been analysed by GC/MS. Fifty-six compounds were identified accounting for 98.41% of the total oil. However, all the oil was characterized by the predominance of three components, α-Pinene (33.07%), 1-[1-Methyl-1-(4-methyl-cyclohex-3-enyl)-ethyl]-1H-pyrrole (28.08%) and Germacrene D (19.59%). The free radical scavenging activity of the essential and the extracts was determined by the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) model system. The antifungal activity showed that the essential oil, the methanolic extract and the aqueous extract of H. cheirifolia significantly reduced the growth of Fusarium graminearum, F. oxysporum f. sp. albedinis and F. culmorum.