A Feira do Produtor, que ocorre na antiga estação ferroviária de Passo Fundo, RS, é a mais importante do municÃpio, tanto pelo número de feirantes como pelo de consumidores. Apesar disso, ainda não havia sido objeto de estudo formalizado. Este estudo foi realizado com o objetivo de caracterizar a estrutura organizacional da feira, de_ nir as preferências dos consumidores e os principais atributos percebidos e valorizados pelos clientes. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de dois questionários, um aplicado a todos os 58 feirantes e outro, a 471 consumidores que _ zeram compras nos dias estudados. As hortaliças são os produtos mais comercializados, vendidos por quase 50% dos feirantes. Cerca de 86% dos consumidores fazem compras na feira uma vez por semana e 61% deles têm preferência pelo sábado, com valor médio de consumo de R$ 25,94. A higiene e limpeza constituem preocupação comum para feirantes e consumidores. Pelo número de pessoas que frequentam a feira e pela multiplicidade de artigos nela postos à venda, a Feira do Produtor de Passo Fundo tem potencial de se tornar um evento de dimensão superior à atual, desde que supere as limitações de limpeza, localização, preço e divulgação, entre outros problemas apontados pelos feirantes e consumidores.
The farmer’s market regularly held at Passo Fundo’s old railroad station is the largest in the city,
both in terms of the number of farmers holding permanent stalls there, and of consumers buying
consumable commodities. However, no comprehensive survey of what was sold there had been
undertaken. Consequently, the current study sought to gather information on the market’s organizational
structure, the commodities being sold there, consumer preferences, as well as the
main commodity attributes perceived and valued by customers. Equipped with a knowledge of
these concerns, allowed the formulation of plans to improve conditions and beautify the market,
and thus address these issues. Two questionnaires were administered, one to the 58 farmers holding
permanent stalls at the market, and another to the 471 consumers who bought at least one
item the day data were gathered. Vegetables, the most widely sold commodity, were available at
roughly 50% of stalls. Nearly 86% of consumers made their purchases once a week, while 61% of
them preferred shopping on Saturday. e mean individual farmer to consumer transaction was
R$ 25,94 (US$ 13,11 US). e market’s hygiene and cleanliness were of greatest concern to both
farmers and consumers. Given the large number of people who regularly purchase items at the
market and the variety of products available, the potential exists for the market to expand and
become more attractive to both farmers and consumers. is could be achieved if current problems,
raised by both farmers and consumers, (e.g., cleanness, market location, prices, market
awareness, etc.) were overcome.