O ensaio analisa a colaboração do reconhecido escritor José de Alencar para a discussão dos problemas constitucionais brasileiros. Alencar criticava a forma como o júri era tratado pela legislação que, a seu ver, afastava-se do comando constitucional. O ensaio sustenta que Alencar defendia o tribunal do júri também para matérias cíveis. Equiparava o júri ao direito de voto. Nesse sentido, o júri seria, para Alencar, legítima manifestação de soberania política.
The paper analyses the efforts of a wide known Brazilian writer, José de Alencar, who also wrote on forensic subjects. Alencar criticized the way the jury trial was treated by the statutes. According to Alencar, the Brazilian statutes were far from the Constitutional commands, as regarding the trial by jury. Alencar defended the jury trial also for civil matters. For Alencar the jury was akin to the right of vote. In this sense, the jury trial would be, to Alencar, a legitim manifestation of the political sovereignty.