O presente artigo trata do tema das práticas criativas no contexto da Progressive Education Association. Para tanto, as fontes investigadas foram a revista homônima produzida pela associação, bem como outros documentos ligados ao grupo, datados das décadas de 1920, 1930 e 1940. Parto de uma reflexão sobre as fontes focalizadas e, em seguida, desenvolvo o tema de maneira a evidenciar que as práticas criativas gozavam de importância destacada tanto nas atividades de escolas experimentais quanto nos escritos em imprensa, movimentando debates e inovação pedagógica.
This paper deals with the creative practices in the context of the Progressive Education Association. The sources investigated were the journal of the same name produced by the association, as well as other documents related to the group dating from the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. I start from a reflection on the focused sources and then develop the theme in such a way as to show that the creative practices enjoyed outstanding importance, both in the activities of experimental schools and in the writings in the press, promoting debates and pedagogical innovation.