O objetivo desta comunicação é discutir acerca da ideia de mobilização engendrada durante a modernidade e, por conseguinte, compreender como se estruturam as dinâmicas mobilizadoras na época das redes digitais, entendidas aqui enquanto processos midiatizados de reversibilidade e interação. A partir de um quadro teórico que concebe o período e a metafísica moderna como o lugar histórico no qual a ação, entre outros fatores, é sempre analisada de acordo com o seu caráter projetivo e humanista, nossa leitura consiste em descrever a desestabilização dessa visão de mundo objetivada pela tentativa de instrumentalização da técnica, da natureza e do homem, afim de delinear as conectividades entre esses elementos e o caráter híbrido digital neles contido.
The aim of this communication is to discuss the idea of mobilization engendered during modernity seeking, therefore, to understand how mobilizing dynamics are structured at the digital networks era here understood as mediatized processes of reversibility and interaction. Exploring a theoretical framework that conceives the modern period and its metaphysics as the historical place in which action, among other factors, is always analyzed according to its projective and humanist character, our analysis consists in describing the destabilization of this objectified point of viewThe aim of this communication is to discuss the idea of mobilization engendered during modernity seeking, therefore, to understand how mobilizing dynamics are structured at the digital networks era here understood as mediatized processes of reversibility and interaction. Exploring a theoretical framework that conceives the modern period and its metaphysics as the historical place in which action, among other factors, is always analyzed according to its projective and humanist character, our analysis consists in describing the destabilization of this objectified point of view, which resulted from the attempt of instrumentalization of technique, nature and man, in order to outline the connectivity between these elements and the digital hybrid character they contain., which resulted from the attempt of instrumentalization of technique, nature and man, in order to outline the connectivity between these elements and the digital hybrid character they contain.