Este estudo objetivou verificar a relação entre as notas dos árbitros com variáveis
representantes dos critérios de julgamento do surfe. Para tanto, foram filmadas
e analisadas 164 ondas surfadas por 21 atletas em duas etapas brasileiras do ASP World
Tour (2007 e 2010). Foram utilizados a estatÃstica descritiva e os testes de Kolmogorov
Smirnov, teste ‘t’ de Student, Anova (one-way), Post Hoc de Tukey e Pearson (p≤0,05).
Foram observadas diferenças significativas entre as notas das ondas com dropes ruins,
bons e excepcionais (p≤0,05), e entre as notas das ondas finalizadas de maneira controlada,
com queda na principal seção da onda (PSO), e com queda após a PSO (p≤0,001).
Foi observada correlação significativa (p≤0,05) entre a nota e as variáveis: frequência
de desequilÃbrio (r=-0,30), percentual de manobras realizadas na parte crÃtica da onda
(r=0,68), variedade de manobra (r=0,62), frequência das manobras rasgada (r=0,51),
batida (r=0,43), floater (r=0,23) e cut-back (r=0,27), duração da onda (r=0,76) e frequência
total de manobras (r=0,79) para o ASP World Tour 2007; percentual de manobras
realizadas na parte crÃtica da onda (r=0,34), variedade de manobra (r=0,70), frequência
das manobras rasgada (r=0,46), batida (r=0,51), cut-back (r=0,30) e aéreo (r=0,30), duração
da onda (r=0,71) e frequência total de manobras (r=0,75) para o ASP World Tour
2010. Os resultados permitiram concluir que todos os critérios utilizados pelos árbitros
avaliados neste estudo se correlacionaram significativamente com as notas no ASP World
Tour 2007 e 2010, com exceção da frequência de desequilÃbrios na segunda competição.
This study investigated the association between judges’ scores and the variables
that represent judging criteria of surfing events. A total of 164 waves ridden by 21
international surfers were recorded and analyzed in two stages of the Brazilian ASP World
Tour (2007 and 2010). The following tests were used for descriptive analysis of data: the
Kolmogorov-Smirnov and the Student t test, one-way ANOVA, the Tukey post-hoc test
and Pearson correlation analysis (p≤0.05). Significant differences were found between the
scores of waves with bad, average and exceptional take-offs (p≤0.05) and with controlled
exit, fall in the main section of the wave (MSW) and after the MSW (p≤0.001). There was a
significant correlation (p≤0.05) between wave scores and the following variables: frequency
of imbalance in the maneuvers (r=-0.30), percentage of maneuvers in the critical section of
the wave (r=0.68), variety of maneuvers (r=0.62), frequency of carving (r=0.51), re-entry
(r=0.43), floater (r=0.23) and cut-back (r=0.27) maneuvers, length of ride (r=0.76) and total
frequency of maneuvers (r=0.79) for the ASP World Tour 2007; percentage of maneuvers in
the critical section of the wave (r=0.34), variety of maneuvers (r=0.70), frequency of carving
(r=0.46), re-entry (r=0.51), cut-back (r=0.30) and aerial maneuvers (r=0.30), length of
ride (r=0.71) and total frequency of maneuvers (r=0.75) for the ASP World Tour 2010. The
results showed that all surfing criteria used by judges in this study correlated significantly
with scores in the ASP World Tour 2007 and 2010, except for frequency of imbalances in
the second competition.