O espalhar-se no mundo de formas de protestos, conflitos e participação mediados pelos social networks revela novas características sobre a qualidade da ação, interpretada sociologicamente como um agir exclusivo dos ditos atores sociais, e hoje assume a forma de um ação reticular, integrando atores de naturezas distintas, colaboração de dados, dispositivos móveis, circuitos informativos etc. A visão humanista interpreta o ativismo em rede, ou net-ativismo, como a expansão digital da esfera pública, como espaço para uma democracia mais participativa diante da crise da política ocidental. Entre as pistas teóricas e os rastros empíricos dos movimentos net-ativistas europeus, convidamos a pensar o fenômeno para além dessa dimensão política e antropocêntrica.
The spread of forms of protest, conflict and participation in the world mediated through social networks revels new characteristics about action quality, interpreted sociologically as an exclusive action of so-called social actors. Nowadays, they take the form of a reticular action, integrating actors of different natures, data collaboration, mobile devices, information systems, etc. The humanist view interprets network activism, or net-activism, as the digital expansion of the public sphere, i.e. as a space for a more participatory democracy during Western political crisis. Among theoretical leads and empirical traces of the European net-activist movements, we invite you to think about the phenomenon beyond this political and anthropocentric dimension.The spread of forms of protest, conflict and participation in the world mediated through social networks revels new characteristics about action quality, interpreted sociologically as an exclusive action of so-called social actors. Nowadays, they take the form of a reticular action, integrating actors of different natures, data collaboration, mobile devices, information systems, etc. The humanist view interprets network activism, or net-activism, as the digital expansion of the public sphere, i.e. as a space for a more participatory democracy during Western political crisis. Among theoretical leads and empirical traces of the European net-activist movements, we invite you to think about the phenomenon beyond this political and anthropocentric dimension.