Após um pequeno resumo histórico que problematiza a questão “teatro e linguagem”, o texto elabora essa problemática mais detalhadamente a partir de dois exemplos especialmente sobressalientes desse teatro chamado “teatro da realidade”: Cargo Sofia Zollverein, de Stefan Kaegi, e os trabalhos My neck is thinner than hair: engines e I feel a great desire to meet the masses once again, de Walid Ra’ad, para apresentar algumas conclusões acerca da função do trabalho com a ilusão mimética no teatro contemporâneo.
The paper initially outlines a problematization of the question “theatre and language”, in order to develop this problematics in more detail through the analysis and discussion of two especially outstanding examples of this theatre that is called “reality theatre”: Cargo Sofia Zollverein by Stefan Kaegi and the works My neck is thinner than hair: engines and I feel a great desire to meet the masses once again, both by Walid Ra’ad. It finishes by presenting some considerations on the function of mimetic illusion in contemporary theatre.