Objective: to analyze the health conditions of the population affected by the mining dam collapse from the perspective of healthcare professionals and managers. Method: this is a qualitative case study, conducted using public domain documents and interviews with healthcare professionals and managers, from March to May 2022, totaling 14 participants. The data were analyzed according to the theoretical propositions strategy based on the Social Determinants of Health. Results: the health conditions of this population have worsened in terms of respiratory problems, gastroenteritis, obesity, arboviruses, increased use of alcohol and drugs, and mental illnesses. The loss of employment, home, and community belonging of those affected is highlighted. Conclusion: the socio-environmental disaster was a conditioning factor for changes in the health conditions of those affected, exposing them to new scenarios and overlapping risks capable of modifying their quality of life and aggravating their biopsychosocial health conditions.
Objective: to analyze the health conditions of the population affected by the mining dam collapse from the perspective of healthcare professionals and managers. Method: this is a qualitative case study, conducted using public domain documents and interviews with healthcare professionals and managers, from March to May 2022, totaling 14 participants. The data were analyzed according to the theoretical propositions strategy based on the Social Determinants of Health. Results: the health conditions of this population have worsened in terms of respiratory problems, gastroenteritis, obesity, arboviruses, increased use of alcohol and drugs, and mental illnesses. The loss of employment, home, and community belonging of those affected is highlighted. Conclusion: the socio-environmental disaster was a conditioning factor for changes in the health conditions of those affected, exposing them to new scenarios and overlapping risks capable of modifying their quality of life and aggravating their biopsychosocial health conditions.
Objetivo: analizar las condiciones de salud de la población afectada por el colapso de la presa minera desde la perspectiva de los profesionales y gestores sanitarios. Método: estudio de caso cualitativo, realizado por medio de documentos de dominio público y entrevistas a profesionales y gestores de salud, entre marzo y mayo de 2022, con un total de 14 participantes. Los datos fueron analizados según la estrategia de proposiciones teóricas a la luz de la Determinación Social de la Salud. Resultados: se considera el empeoramiento de las condiciones de salud en relación con los problemas respiratorios, la gastroenteritis, la obesidad, los arbovirus, la intensificación del consumo de alcohol y drogas, y las enfermedades mentales. Se destacan la pérdida del trabajo, del hogar, y de la pertenencia a la comunidad de los afectados. Conclusión: el desastre socioambiental fue un factor condicionante de alteraciones en las condiciones de salud de los afectados, exponiéndolos a nuevos escenarios y riesgos superpuestos capaces de modificar la calidad de vida y empeorar las condiciones de salud biopsicosocial.