Body image perception was measured in 83 young girls using a visual size apparatus.
Those sample was divided on the basis of their "perceived weight", that is, those who
thought they were under-weight; those who thought they were just the right weight; and those who thought of themselves as over-weight. Results showed that all subjects (except
that group who perceived themselves as under-weight) over-estimated their weight.
Moreover, we verified a tendency to the over-estimation in these groups, but this is more
evident on the two groups that we far away of the "perceived slimness". We concluded that
over-estimation of body size can be seen as a index of dissatisfaction with the own body,
but this dissatisfaction rises of the perceived weight rather than the actual weight.
En este trabajo evaluamos la percepción de la imagen corporal en 83 adolescentes de sexo
femenino mediante la utilización de la técnica del calibrador móvil (Slade y Russell, 1973).
La muestra se dividió en tres grupos de "peso percibido": kilos de menos percibidos, peso
justo percibido y kilos de más percibidos. Los resultados mostraron que todos los sujetos
(excepto el grupo de kilos de menos percibidos) sobre-estimaron su peso Además
comprobamos que en todos los grupos existÃa una tendencia generalizada a sobre-estimar su
tamaño corporal, pero ésta era más marcada en los grupos que se alejaban de la "delgadez
percibida". Concluimos que la sobre-estimación del tamaño corporal puede considerarse
como un Ãndice de insatisfacción con el propio cuerpo, insatisfacción que está más
relacionada con el peso percibido que con el real.