Este trabalho explora o problema da sobre representação polÃtica nos
municÃpios menos povoados tendo em vista o significado dos seus impactos para a
sociedade e o território locais. Esse foco enquadra o municÃpio como escala
significativa dos fenômenos institucional e territorial que compõem um sistema
territorial para a ação da sociedade e para a gestão pública. O ponto de partida
conceitual segue algumas pistas sobre a inter-relação, da prática social no
território, entre as noções de escala, instituição e espaço polÃtico como
fundamentos tanto da formação da comunidade cÃvica e do capital social como
dos seus efeitos.
The aim of this paper is to show the complexity of the Brazilian municipal
context. This complexity is sharpened by the “symmetry syndromeâ€, that do not
consider the municipals’ historical, economical and cultural peculiarities, rising the
question of the consequences of an equal treatment of the unequal. The object of
discussion, yet exploratory, is the political over representation of the less populated
counties, and its possible impacts on the society and local territories. The starting
point is conceptual, and relies on notions of scale, institution and political space, as
a basis not only for the formation of the civic community and the social capital, but
also for its effects on the society and the territory. This paper explicit the question
of which territorial conditions are relevant to identify the way in which positive
impacts are the result of the existence of a consolidated civic community. The
problem is to what extent the local over representation constitutes a trophy or an
obstacle to the economical, social and political development of the county.