A pesquisa está voltada a compreensão das relações entre educação e prevenção à s
drogas no contexto escolar. Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa realizada através de questionários
semiestruturados com perguntas abertas aos professores, gestores e método sociopoético no
processo de sensibilização trabalhado com alunos do 4° ano ensino fundamental, com base
nas concepções teóricas de prevenção às drogas defendida por Rosa Maria Silvestre Santos.
Neste contexto o objetivo foi investigar, analisar e entender, de que forma a escola trabalha
com o tema drogas e quais as o conhecimento dos alunos.
The aim of the research presented here is to comprehend the relationship between
education and drug prevention in the school context. Based on qualitative research methods,
semi-structured questionnaires with open-ended questions were applied to both teachers and
school administrators, and socio-poetic methods in the process of developing awareness in 4th
graders were explored, founded upon theoretical concepts of drug prevention advocated by
Rosa Maria Silvestre Santos. In this context the objective was to investigate, analyze and
comprehend the ways in which the school works with the subject of drugs, as well as
students’ knowledge of the subject.