Educação ambiental: da pesquisa à extensão em três escolas de ensino fundamental, Guarapuava – Paraná / Environmental education: from research to extension on three primary schools, Guarapuava – Paraná


Guarapuava / PR
Telefone: (42) 36298-1000
ISSN: 2175-9405
Editor Chefe: Luiz Gilberto Bertotti
Início Publicação: 31/05/2005
Periodicidade: Quadrimestral
Área de Estudo: Ciências Agrárias, Área de Estudo: Agronomia, Área de Estudo: Biologia geral, Área de Estudo: Recursos Florestais e Engenharia Florestal, Área de Estudo: Ciências Biológicas, Área de Estudo: Ciências Exatas, Área de Estudo: Geociências, Área de Estudo: Ciências Humanas, Área de Estudo: Geografia, Área de Estudo: Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Área de Estudo: Planejamento urbano e regional

Educação ambiental: da pesquisa à extensão em três escolas de ensino fundamental, Guarapuava – Paraná / Environmental education: from research to extension on three primary schools, Guarapuava – Paraná

Ano: 2014 | Volume: 10 | Número: Suplemento
Autores: Adriana Massaê Kataoka, Ana Lucia Suriani Affonso, Mauricio Camargo Filho, João Fernando Ferrari Nogueira
Autor Correspondente: Adriana Massaê Kataoka | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: extensão, meio ambiente, sustentabilidade.

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

This article is a reflection on an experience of educational praxis in Environmental
Education as a result of an extension education project of interactionist nature,
entitled “Discussing the Environmental Issue in Elementary School”. The project
intended to promote a critical analysis of environmental issues in three primary
schools, located in Guarapuava, state of Paraná. The methodology used in this
research was the participatory action-research. The actions were divided into three
modules: investigation of reality, accomplishment of the actions and evaluation of
the results. It was observed from the activities carried out in the three modules,
a large involvement of the school community, respecting the specificities of each
school. Such involvement promoted the inclusion of actions in the concreteness of
historical time and social space. The implications of this involvement reinforced the
importance of research in support of extension activities through ongoing dialogue
between theory and practice. Moreover, it provided a deeper understanding of the
school environment as well as their weaknesses and strengths, encouraging schools
to emancipate themselves regarding the environmental issue approach. The contact
of the executing team with the school community set up in learning, personal and
professional growth, production and socialization of knowledge.