A relevância dos estudos sobre os fluxos de detritos em áreas montanhosas se deve aos seus efeitos negativos potenciais sobre as comunidades humanas e a infraestrutura em suas áreas de influência. Visando contribuir para o avanço no entendimento do embasamento teórico, o presente estudo analisa qualitativamente o efeito das características litológicas e do tipo de solo na geração de fluxos de entulho na bacia árida de Mirave, no sul do Peru, em decorrência de chuvas intensas. São avaliados dois eventos de fluxo de detritos, que ocorreram na área estudada em março de 2015 e fevereiro de 2019. O método utilizado para atingir o objetivo combina o uso de imagens de satélite, coleta de dados de campo e resultados de testes de laboratório para estimar a importância relativa do características supracitadas na geração de fluxos de detritos. Os resultados sugerem que a fraca presença de argila e a predominância de solos estruturados arenoso-argiloso na bacia do Mirave os tornam instáveis quando ocorre a erosão. Além disso, as características dos materiais degradados gerados a partir de solos residuais e coluviais na área primária de estudo são uma das principais causas dos fluxos de detritos na região.
Palavras-chave: bacia árida; características geotécnicas; fluxos de detritos; litologia
Studies concerning the debris flows in mountain areas are relevant because of their potential negative effects on the human communities and infrastructure in their areas of influence. To advance the understanding of the theoretical basis, this study qualitatively analyzes the effect of lithological characteristics and soil type on the generation of debris flows in the arid basin of Mirave, in southern Peru, as a consequence of extensive rainfall. Two debris flow events are evaluated, which occurred in the studied area in March 2015 and February 2019. The method used to achieve the objective combines the use of satellite images, field data collection, and lab tests results to estimate the relative importance of the abovementioned characteristics in the generation of debris flows. The results suggest that the poor presence of clay and the predominance of sandy-loamy structured soils in the Mirave Basin make them unstable when erosion occurs. In addition, the features of broken down materials generated from residual and colluvial soils in the primary area of study are one of the main causes of debris flows in the region.
Keywords: arid basin; debris flows; geotechnical characteristics; lithology
Studies concerning the debris flows in mountain areas are relevant because of their potential negative effects on the human communities and infrastructure in their areas of influence. To advance the understanding of the theoretical basis, this study qualitatively analyzes the effect of lithological characteristics and soil type on the generation of debris flows in the arid basin of Mirave, in southern Peru, as a consequence of extensive rainfall. Two debris flow events are evaluated, which occurred in the studied area in March 2015 and February 2019. The method used to achieve the objective combines the use of satellite images, field data collection, and lab tests results to estimate the relative importance of the abovementioned characteristics in the generation of debris flows. The results suggest that the poor presence of clay and the predominance of sandy-loamy structured soils in the Mirave Basin make them unstable when erosion occurs. In addition, the features of broken down materials generated from residual and colluvial soils in the primary area of study are one of the main causes of debris flows in the region.
Keywords: arid basin; debris flows; geotechnical characteristics; lithology