Effect of the natural antioxidant eugenol on quality preservation of com- mercial biodiesels produced with soybean oil or waste frying oil during storage at different temperatures

Ciência E Natura

Revista Ciência e Natura | Campus Sede-Cidade Universitária | Av. Roraima nº 1000, Prédio 13, Sala 1122 | Fone/Fax +55(55) 3220-8735 | Bairro Camobi
Santa Maria / RS
Site: http://www.ufsm.br/cienciaenatura
Telefone: (55) 3220-8735
ISSN: 2179-460X
Editor Chefe: Marcelo Barcellos da Rosa
Início Publicação: 30/11/1979
Periodicidade: Quadrimestral

Effect of the natural antioxidant eugenol on quality preservation of com- mercial biodiesels produced with soybean oil or waste frying oil during storage at different temperatures

Ano: 2018 | Volume: 40 | Número: 1
Autores: Eliane Ferreira de Souza* , Talita Cuenca Pina Moreira Ramos, Mikaelly Nayara Santos, Juliana Rodrigues Ferraz, Margarete Soares Da Silva, Margareth Batistote e Antonio Rogério Fiorucci
Autor Correspondente: Eliane Ferreira de Souza | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: oxidation stability; rancimat method; acid number

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

The objective of this study was to evaluate the eugenol antioxidant efficiency on the oxidation stability of commercial biodiesel synthesized from soybean oil (SB) and waste frying oil (ORB) by determining induction period (IP) and acid number (AN) during storage at 10 °C or in accelerated oxidation test at 85 °C. For the oxidation stability evaluation, the Rancimat method (EN 14112) and AN (ASTM D664) analyses were used. The initial studies showed that the antioxidants eugenol and TBHQ when added separately increased IP values for the two types of biodiesel analyzed. During the storage at 10 °C, the IP was reduced for all samples. However, the lowest reduction percentages were for samples containing eugenol (-2.07 and -11.30% for SB and ORB, respectively). In relation to AN, the samples with the antioxidant eugenol led a greater decrease of this index, with the 10000 mg kg-1 concentration being the most efficient in the conservation of biodiesel. In the accelerated oxidation test in oven at 85 °C, pure BS presented higher susceptibility to degradation than the sample containing 10000 mg kg-1 of eugenol. In both storage studies, the eugenol natural antioxidant efficiency in the control of oxidative degradation of biodiesel becomes evident.