O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar uma discussão sobre a eficácia do direito de acesso às informações orgânicas em saúde, valendo-se de aprofundamentos teóricos e pesquisa de levantamento para embasamento da temática. Os resultados revelam alguns fatores que sinalizam um despreparo das unidades investigadas em relação a eficácia social das Leis de Acesso à Informação e de Arquivos no Brasil. Os resultados revelados apontam para fatores que podem causar a ineficácia dessas Leis: a falta de preparo técnico e qualificação profissional da gestão de documentos de arquivos analógicos e digitais.
This paper present a discussion on the effectiveness of the right of access to organic health information, drawing on theoretical insights and survey research foundation for the theme. The research is exploratory and descriptive with a qualitative-quantitative approach. 96 questionnaires were applied in 26 hospitals, totaling 92.31% of respondents. Analytical techniques for bibliographies, documents and field are contentanalysis and descriptive statistics. The study is multi-referential and articulates contributions on the phenomenon of information on health, social and legal efficiency, transparency and informational opacity. The results reveal some factors that signal for unpreparedness of the units investigated in relation to the social effectiveness of the Access to Information Act and the Archives Act in Brazil. The results point to factors that may cause the ineffectiveness of such laws, such as: the lack of technical training by health professionals to deal with document management and change needs to serve the population with regard to access to health information.