In recent years, the Peruvian Government has made efforts to promote science, technology and innovation. These efforts include the CITE, entities that offer innovation support for small and medium enterprises in order to improve their competitive development. In turn, the OTCIT assumes responsibility for managing the CITE model and ensure the achievement of assigned orders. In this context, this study analyzes the management and implementation of innovation policy and technology transfer in the productive sector promoted by the OTCIT, through the activities and services provided by CITE in the period 2006-2012; and for this a methodological matrix was designed in order to support the qualitative, exploratory and descriptive analysis applied and reinforced by evaluation criteria based on specialized studies; implementation of structured interviews with stakeholders of political, technical and academic nature; conducting surveys and representatives of CITE. It also includes a frequency analysis of the demand for technological innovation services. The results showed that the OTCIT made proper management and implementation of that policy evidenced by solid institutions, proper management of human resources, technology transfer and dissemination, infrastructure support and promotion of intersectoral interaction.
En los últimos años, el Gobierno Peruano ha dedicado esfuerzos para impulsar la ciencia, tecnologÃa e innovación. Entre dichos esfuerzos destacan los CITE, entidades que ofrecen servicios de apoyo a la innovación para pequeñas y medianas empresas con el objetivo de mejorar su desarrollo competitivo. A su vez, la OTCIT asume la responsabilidad de gestionar el modelo CITE y asegurar el logro de los encargos asignados. En este contexto, el presente estudio analiza la gestión e implementación de la polÃtica de innovación y transferencia tecnológica en el sector productivo promovida por la OTCIT, a través de las actividades y servicios que brindan los CITE en el perÃodo 2006-2012. Para ello se diseñó una matriz teórico-metodológica que apoya el análisis cualitativo, exploratorio y descriptivo aplicado y reforzado por criterios de evaluación basados en estudios especializados; aplicación de entrevistas estructuradas a actores relevantes de carácter polÃtico, técnico y académico; y la aplicación de encuestas a representantes