Evaluation of anticholinesterasic substances in cigarettesmanufactured in Brazil through a human butyrylcholinesteraseactivity inhibition method

Estudos De Biologia

Rua Imaculada Conceição, 1155 - Prédio da Administração - 3º andar
Curitiba / PR
Site: http://WWW.PUCPR.BR/BS
Telefone: (41) 3271-1701
ISSN: 1980590X
Editor Chefe: Ana Maria de Barros
Início Publicação: 31/05/1978
Periodicidade: Trimestral
Área de Estudo: Linguística

Evaluation of anticholinesterasic substances in cigarettesmanufactured in Brazil through a human butyrylcholinesteraseactivity inhibition method

Ano: 2009 | Volume: 31 | Número: 75

Palavras-chave: Organophosphate. Carbamates tobacco. Butyrylcholinesterase

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

The objective of this research was to evaluate, through an indirect method, the presence of anticholinesterasicsubstances in tobacco from cigarettes manufactured in Brazil. Organophosphate and carbamatescompounds, which are used in the crops of the tobacco, are the main substances with this characteristic.From each one of the ten main cigarette labels, the tabacco had been separated and extracted anticholinesterasicsubstances using the method described by Leite (1980) and the n-hexane as solvent. After thepreparation of the extract, of the blood was separated the plasma for the determination of the activityof butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) using the method described by Dietz et al (1973).The enzyme activitywas measured in the presence of the extracts of each tobacco extract. An signifi cative average inhibitionof 20.16%, (p < 0.001).