Health and Diversity Journal
Autor Correspondente: Michelly Gama Sampaio da Silva | [email protected]
Palavras-chave: Health of indigenous people, medicine, traditional, mental health in ethnic groups, indigenous population.
Resumos Cadastrados
Resumo Inglês:
ntroduction: Among the principles of SUS, equity seeks to recognize differences in living and health conditions, considering that the right to health passes through social differences and must attend to diversity. However, in attending to the diversity of indigenous populations, health professionals have great cultural and geographic challenges in their work. As a result, the health of the indigenous population is often in a state of precariousness, since it does not have health professionals and equipment adequate to the indigenous particularities.
Objectives: To describe health care for the Indians of the Yekuana and Yanomami ethnic groups and the difficulties in the health-disease process faced by these peoples.
Methods: This work is a pioneering report, made possibleby the Academic League of Psychiatry of Roraima (LAPSI-RR) and the East Indian Roraima Sanitary District (DSEI). This is a seven-day experience of a medical student visiting two indigenous health bases: Waikas, which serves the Yekuana ethnic group, and the base-pole Palimiú, that is responsible for the attendance to the part of the Yanomami population. To visit the poles, we counted on a health team consisting of: a psychiatrist, a psychologist, a pharmacist, a nursing technician, and a helper from each of the ethnicities approached. Regarding the place of care, in both base-poles the structure of the basic health unit was used, which in addition to housing the team, is comprised of attendance room and pharmacy. Some patients of the ethnic Yekuana were consulted in the Great House (place of celebrations and meetings of the tribe). Already for bedriddenpatients, home visits were made.
Results and Discussion: To begin, the experiment required air transportation to reach a geographically isolated area. In the first pole, of ethnic Yekuana, the team had to wait for the Indians' permission for the attendances,that began in the Great House. In almost all consultations to the femalesex, there was a gynecological complaint, and the main symptom was pelvic pain linked to discharge suggestive of candidiasis or urinary tract infection. This is relatedto poor water consumption, low voluntary urination and lack of condom use. In relation to the mental health of the Yekuanas, suicide was highlighted. This practice, in all reported cases, was related to amorous disappointment, being more frequent in females and adolescents. The act usually occurred at 2:00 p.m., as that is when the parents go to farmland. In addition, it is usually related to the use of a root called timbó, which causes muscle paralysis after a few hours of use. Regarding the patients in bed, the main complaint was of joint pain. They were malnourished and extremely dependent on the help of the relatives. In the consultationsat the basic health unit, it was evidenced a lack of medications and basic devices, such as, scales and sphygmomanometers. In addition, all the visits made were characterized by a lack of information, especially in the most severe cases, which the patients needed removal to the city of Boa Vista, capital of Roraima, resulting in discontinuity in the flow of information and patient screening. As for the Palimiú base-pole, it was notedthat the Yanomamis had more respiratory problems compared to the Yekuanasdueto the fact that the Yanomamis ignited fires in their homes for food and heating, keeping them closed. At this pole there were also complaints of the lack of medication and feedback regarding the patients removed to the capital.Finally, a large presence of gold miners in theregions was observed, although it is considered illegal in Brazil. This situation has hampered the fishing activities of the area, due to the contamination of the rivers by heavy metals.
Conclusion: It is necessary that the entities that provide health care to the indigenous, DSEI and CASAI (Indigenous Health House), better recordthe health information of each patient, as well as to intensify the process of communication with the basic health unit located in the communities. Also, it is necessaryto provide basic equipment and medications for the base poles. Finally, this experience must be expanded, so that more academics can get to know the indigenous culture and the differential health approach of the different ethnic groups that inhabit the state of Roraima