Recent studies proved that certain electronic active
circuits are capable to exhibit simultaneously a negative group
delay (NGD) and amplification in microwave frequency bands. One
of the simplest topologies generating this counterintuitive NGD
function effect is formed by a series RLC-network in cascade with a
transistor. By using this cell, similar to the classical electronic
functions, dual-band NGD microwave devices with loss
compensation possibility can be designed. Theoretic demonstrations
concerning the theory of the NGD circuit considered are presented.
The dual-band NGD concept feasibility is concretely illustrated by
an example of EM/circuit co-simulations. So, in frequency domain,
dual-band NGD with minimal values of about –1 ns was observed
simultaneously within two frequency bands centered at about 1.05
GHz and 2.05 GHz. To highlight the functioning of the hybrid
device considered, time-domain analysis showing the
RF/microwave signal advancement is performed. As application,
the concept investigated can be envisaged for data synchronization
in multi-channel wireless communication systems eventually
degraded by undesired EMI effects.