Este artigo propõe uma refl exão sobre o potencial subjetivante do Design no meio social. Partindo de uma perspectiva fenomenológica segundo a qual estruturas simbólicas confi guram mediações signifi cadoras entre o homem e o mundo, inicio uma discussão introdutória acerca do modo pelo qual o Design é capaz de manejar uma rede de signifi cações no ambiente social que o circunscreve e, inversamente, sobre a forma que se dá o processo de reinscrição do sujeito no mundo através do Design. Para tanto, recorro a concepções distintas sobre “real” e “fi cção”, elegendo esse aparente dualismo como possível aporte refl exivo capaz de oferecer ferramentas conceituais pertinentes a uma abordagem fi losófi ca do design. Sob o pressuposto de que o Design afi rma-se como potencial agenciador das relações entre-sujeitos no cenário contemporâneo, meu esforço é o de compreender de que forma esse agenciamento acontece e assim esboçar uma dimensão “educadora” do Design, sobretudo no sentido de articular “modos de olhar” que nos ofereçam a possibilidade de reinterpretar o mundo e de remanejar, concreta e simbolicamente, nossa localização nele.
This paper proposes a refl ection on the subjectivizing potential of Design in the social environment. From a phenomenological perspective under which symbolic structures shape signifying mediation between man and the world, I start an introductory discussion about the way by which design is capable of managing a network of meanings in the social environment that circumscribes it and, inversely, about the way which happens the process of reinscription of the subject in the world through Design. For this, I call upon to different concepts of “real” and “fi ction”, electing this apparent dualism as a possible refl ective supply able to offer appropriate conceptual tools to a philosophical approach on design. Under the assumption that design asserts itself as a potential arranger of intersubjective relations in the contemporary scene, my effort is to understand how this agency happens and so to draft an “educating” dimension of Design, especially in terms of articulating “ways to look” that offer us the possibility of reinterpreting the world and relocating, concrete and symbolically, our location in and, inversely, about the way which happens the process of reinscription of the subject in the world through Design. For this, I call upon to different concepts of “real” and “fi ction”, electing this apparent dualism as a possible refl ective supply able to offer appropriate conceptual tools to a philosophical approach on design. Under the assumption that design asserts itself as a potential arranger of intersubjective relations in the contemporary scene, my effort is to understand how this agency happens and so to draft an “educating” dimension of Design, especially in terms of articulating “ways to look” that offer us the possibility of reinterpreting the world and relocating, concrete and symbolically, our location in it.analyze our existence.