Geological Survey of Brazil Spectral Library v. 1.0: Rock reflectance signatures in the visible to shortwave infrared range

Journal of the Geological Survey of Brazil

SBN Quadra 2 Bloco H - 1° andar - Asa Norte
Brasília / DF
Telefone: (61) 2108-8400
ISSN: 2595-1939
Editor Chefe: Evandro Luiz Klein
Início Publicação: 15/05/2018
Periodicidade: Quadrimestral
Área de Estudo: Multidisciplinar, Área de Estudo: Multidisciplinar

Geological Survey of Brazil Spectral Library v. 1.0: Rock reflectance signatures in the visible to shortwave infrared range

Ano: 2024 | Volume: 7 | Número: 3
Autores: M. M. Perrotta, C. R. Souza Filho, A. P. Justo, J. H. Gonçalves, L. B. Araújo, J. A. Senna, T. D. O. Gasparin, M. A. C. Costa, J. L. C. Naleto
Autor Correspondente: M. M. Perrotta | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: spectral library, visible and Infrared reflectance spectroscopy, reflectance spectra

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

Reflectance spectral libraries are essential reference databases for the mineralogical characterization of geological samples analyzed using visible and infrared spectroscopy. Since 2011, the Geological Survey of Brazil has been actively developing a comprehensive database of reflectance spectral signatures, based on samples collected from systematic geological mapping and mineral resource projects across the Brazilian territory. This spectral library is now available on a digital platform hosted by the Geological Survey of Brazil's geoscientific database, providing quantitative data for the numerical characterization of lithological types and their alteration products, whether due to weathering or hydrothermal processes.