Now in 2019, we have completed our fourth year in charge of GGA. Before sharing our struggles and achievements, we owe a special thanks to our associate and friend, Professor Otávio Tôledo Nóbrega, from Universidade de Brasília (UnB), who, in an inspiring way, has served as an associate editor for GGA. In several occasions, he has also served as a reviewer and taken great care of the Editorial Manager submission system. We are also deeply grateful to all other associate editors, Professor Alexandre Leopold Busse, from Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Professor Ana Paula de Oliveira Marques, from Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE), and Professor Fausto Aloisio Pedrosa Pimenta, from Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (UFOP), who have always promptly responded to our requests by balancing the demands of the journal with their duties.
The change in the name of the journal, aiming at the internationalization of published research, has contributed to the progressive increase in the number of citations (Figure 1), and is also attracting the attention of investigators throughout the world. During this period, we had articles from France, Colombia, and Mexico. The provision of an English-language translation of all articles not submitted in this language, carried out with the excellent editing services of Scientific Linguagem, a Brazilian company located in Porto Alegre, southern Brazil, has contributed to increasing the number of publications and the visibility of the journal. We remind readers that this is a free service for authors upon acceptance of the manuscript.