N. Goodman; W. T. Parry; counterfactual conditionals; relevant conditions
Resumo: O artigo de Goodman “The Problem of Counterfactual Conditionals†teve um papel central no debate relativo a análise adequada dos condicionais contrafactuais. A seguir examinarei o artigo de Goodman em detalhe e discutirei algumas objeções e sugestões de Parry em seu artigo “A Reexamination of the Problem of Counterfactual Conditionalsâ€. Restringirei minha discussão ao “problema das condições relevantesâ€, assim denominado por Goodman, que é o tema principal das crÃticas de Parry e que considero ser o problema principal para a abordagem de Goodman.
Goodman’s paper “The Problem of Counterfactual Conditionals†played a central role in the debate concerning the proper analysis of counterfactual conditionals. In what follows I examine Goodman’s paper in detail and discuss objections and suggestions by Parry in his “Reexamination of the Problem of Counterfactual Conditionalsâ€. I restrict my discussion to what Goodman termed “the problem of relevant conditionsâ€, which is the main subject of Parry’s criticism, and which I also consider to be the central issue for Goodman’s approach.