Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar a relação entre a história social, o corpo, a moda e as atividades fÃsicas da mulher da elite paulistana no primeiro quarto do século XX. Trata-se de uma pesquisa sociocultural, descritiva e qualitativa, cujos dados foram obtidos por meio de literatura geral e especÃfica, livretos, artigos, teses e recursos iconográficos da época, de modo a elucidar qual era o ideário de corpo, moda e atividade fÃsica. A mulher da elite paulistana se espelhava nas mulheres européias, mas, ganhando espaços públicos pouco a pouco, foi desenvolvendo hábitos necessários para o desempenho das funções e da expectativa que a modernidade lhe impôs. Cada vez mais ativa, transitou no mundo social das festas e das reuniões noturnas,
mas, de dia, praticava atividade fÃsica – ginástica – condizente com o ideário médico higienista e social da época.
This work had as objective to analyze the relation between social history, body,
fashion, and the physical activities of the woman of the paulistana elite in the first twenty
years of the last century. It’s a social-cultural, descriptive and qualitative research, whose
data were published by means of general and specific literature, booklets, articles, theses
and iconographic resources, of the time, to elucidate which were the ideas of body, fashion
and physical activity. The woman of paulistana elite looked at herself as the european ones.
Gaining public spaces,little by little, developed necessary habits for the performance of the
functions and expectations that was imposed to her by modernity. Being more and more
and more active she ‘transited†the social world of the parties and night meetings, but
during the day she practiced physical activity – gymnastics – according with the medical
social hygienist and social ideas of the time.