Il principio di immediatezza nell’ordinamento processuale penale italiano: sfondi culturali, traversie giurisprudenziali, approdi costituzionali

Revista de Estudos Criminais

Rua Professor Langendonck, 208 - Petrópolis
Porto Alegre / RS
Telefone: (51) 3029-5568
ISSN: 16768698
Editor Chefe: Fabio Roberto D'Avila
Início Publicação: 31/12/2000
Periodicidade: Trimestral
Área de Estudo: Direito

Il principio di immediatezza nell’ordinamento processuale penale italiano: sfondi culturali, traversie giurisprudenziali, approdi costituzionali

Ano: 2014 | Volume: 12 | Número: 53
Autores: Daniele Negri
Autor Correspondente: NEGRI, Daniele | [email protected]

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

In the Italian criminal procedure the immediacy of process (that is the relationship between the judge and the evidence) is defined through the scope of application of the most important hearsay rule. That results from the decline of the positivistic conception of the evidence; in fact, the cross-examination has the merit to show to the Court the reaction, even out of the mere speech, of the declarant. Therefore, the immediacy is an additional right of the defendant; it integrates his right to confrontation, if the evidence was collected before a judge that is different from the judge who is called to deliver the judgement. The right to immediacy is a Constitutional right; it can be limited only after a balancing test with other Constitutional rights.