Influence of Chromium Salts on Increased Lipid Peroxidation and Differential Pattern in Antioxidant Metabolism in Pistia stratiotes L

Brazilian Archives Of Biology And Technology

Rua Professor Algacyr Munhoz Mader 3775, CIC
Curitiba / PR
Telefone: (41) 3316-3012
ISSN: 15168913
Editor Chefe: Carlos Ricardo Soccol
Início Publicação: 30/11/1946
Periodicidade: Bimestral
Área de Estudo: Biologia geral

Influence of Chromium Salts on Increased Lipid Peroxidation and Differential Pattern in Antioxidant Metabolism in Pistia stratiotes L

Ano: 2010 | Volume: 53 | Número: 5
Autores: RishiKesh Upadhyay, Sanjib Kumar Panda
Autor Correspondente: RishiKesh Upadhyay | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: biochemical alterations, chromium stress, lipid peroxidation, oxidative stress, pistia stratiotes l, reactive oxygen species

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

In this work, the changing effect of different concentrations (0, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 10mM) of hexavalent and trivalent
chromium on different biochemical parameters along with antioxidant enzymes was investigated on water lettuce
(Pistia stratiotes L.) in order to know the possible involvement of this metal in oxidative injury, besides the activities
of antioxidant enzymes leading to biochemical and oxidative aberration induced by elevated concentrations. Both in
roots and shoots, Cr produced a significant increase in enzymic and non-enzymic antioxidants, except in catalase
(CAT) activity where a strong accumulation of hydrogen peroxide was indicated, suggesting an imposition of
oxidative stress. The observation showed an uptake of chromium by P. stratiotes L. as well as increase in activity of
antioxidants, as the concentrations and their duration of treatment increased. The activity of antioxidative enzymes
determined the steady-state levels of ROS in the cell. The augmentation of antioxidative defense plays a key role in
regulating the oxidative stress. This pointed to the possibility in induction of oxidative stress, with the increasing
lipid peroxidation, followed by a differential pattern in antioxidant metabolisms by chromium ions in P. stratiotes L.