Com o objetivo de avaliar a influência do genótipo
sobre as concentrações de proteÃna e óleo,
sementes imaturas das cultivares de soja CD 202 e
CD 206 foram retiradas da planta mãe no estádio
R5, cultivadas in vitro em meio de cultura lÃquido
por oito dias, contendo 20, 40 e 60 mM de
glutamina. Depois disso, as concentrações de óleo
e proteÃna foram comparadas com as das sementes
que continuaram seu desenvolvimento in vivo.
Com a maior disponibilidade de glutamina para a
semente, houve um aumento do conteúdo protéico
nas sementes. Quanto às concentrações de
proteÃna, os genótipos foram estatisticamente
diferentes, levando a afirmar a sua influência na
concentração de proteÃna na semente. As
concentrações de proteÃna e óleo foram
inversamente relacionadas quando variou a
concentração de glutamina.
Aiming at evaluating genotype influence on the concentration of protein and oil, immature seeds of cultivars CD
202 and CD 206 were removed from the mother-plant, in the stage R5, and were grown in vitro, in a liquid culture
medium which contained 20, 40 and 60 mM of glutamine, during eight days. Afterwards, the concentrations of oil
and protein were compared to the contents of the seeds cultivated in vivo. With a higher availability of glutamine for
the seed, there was an increase of protein content. The genotypes were statistically different as far as the protein
concentration was concerned,which confirmed that the genotype had influence on the concentration of protein in the
seed. Oil and protein concentrations were inversely related when a variation of glutamine concentration occurred.