Esta pesquisa se dispôs a identificar a percepção dos estudantes de graduação em Ciências Contábeis e Administração quanto à importância dada à iniciação científica, assim como as participações e limitações da realização da mesma no processo de graduação de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES) privada. A pesquisa é classificada como descritiva com abordagem qualitativa e métodos de pesquisa de campo por meio de aplicação de questionário eletrônico a uma amostra isenta de modelos probabilísticos de 50 alunos de uma IES privada. Observou-se que por mais que a maioria dos alunos não optem por participar de algum processo de iniciação científica, eles acreditam que é algo valioso e de grande impacto para o andamento acadêmico/profissional. Foi visto ainda que, a razão pela qual os alunos não participam de programas de iniciação cientifica se dá pela falta de incentivo e comunicação da IES. Dentro do mesmo modelo, eles relatam atitudes plausíveis quanto ao tratamento e participação de seus orientadores em averiguações de trabalho de conclusão de curso onde se caracterizam como processos de iniciação cientifica.
This research set out to identify the perception of undergraduate students in Accounting and Administration regarding the importance given to scientific initiation, as well as the participation and limitations of carrying it out in the graduation process of a private Higher Education Institution (HEI). The research is classified as descriptive with a qualitative approach and field research methods through the application of an electronic questionnaire to a sample exempt from probabilistic models of 50 students from a private HEI. It was observed that even though most students do not choose to participate in some scientific initiation process, they believe that it is something valuable and of great impact for their academic/professional progress. It was also seen that the reason why students do not participate in scientific initiation programs is due to the lack of incentive and communication from the HEI. Within the same model, they report plausible attitudes regarding the treatment and participation of their advisors in investigations of course completion work where they are characterized as processes of scientific initiationThis research set out to identify the perception of undergraduate students in Accounting and Administration regarding the importance given to scientific initiation, as well as the participation and limitations of carrying it out in the graduation process of a private Higher Education Institution (HEI). The research is classified as descriptive with a qualitative approach and field research methods through the application of an electronic questionnaire to a sample exempt from probabilistic models of 50 students from a private HEI. It was observed that even though most students do not choose to participate in some scientific initiation process, they believe that it is something valuable and of great impact for their academic/professional progress. It was also seen that the reason why students do not participate in scientific initiation programs is due to the lack of incentive and communication from the HEI. Within the same model, they report plausible attitudes regarding the treatment and participation of their advisors in investigations of course completion work where they are characterized as processes of scientific initiation