An Innovative Concept of Traceable Device for Monitoring Temperature of Temperature-Sensitive Healthcare Products

Journal of Bioengineering, Technologies and Health

Avenida Orlando Gomes - 1845 - Piatã
Salvador / BA
Telefone: (71) 3879-5501
ISSN: 2764-5886
Editor Chefe: Leone Peter Andrade
Início Publicação: 01/10/2018
Periodicidade: Trimestral
Área de Estudo: Ciências Biológicas, Área de Estudo: Bioquímica, Área de Estudo: Genética, Área de Estudo: Imunologia, Área de Estudo: Farmácia, Área de Estudo: Medicina, Área de Estudo: Ciência da computação, Área de Estudo: Química

An Innovative Concept of Traceable Device for Monitoring Temperature of Temperature-Sensitive Healthcare Products

Ano: 2019 | Volume: 2 | Número: 4
Autores: P.M. de Oliveira, A.S. Leão, R.M.C. Leite, A.R. Corniali, M.L.C. Ramos, V.E. Beal
Autor Correspondente: P.M. de Oliveira | [email protected]


Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

This paper aims to present a concept of technology as a solution to monitor thermo-sensitive health products and contribute to preserving their integrity along the cold chain. This study is exploratory research with a case study involving a survey with health professionals and the use of tools for product development in order to find a solution to the problem of traceability and warnings about temperature deviations. From the information collected and the literature reviewed, it was possible to develop a concept of a product to meet the customer requirements. The results showed that thermo-sensitive health products lack traceability in the health network and that the concept presented contributes to solving this problem.