Após longos processos burocráticos, decepções e surpresas recebemos a
notÃcia de que estava tudo certo, bastava arrumarmos as malas que o avião estava
partindo rumo a Lisboa, Portugal. HavÃamos conseguido! Lisboa superou nossas
expectativas já nos primeiros dias e durante o nosso perÃodo de estadia não poderia
ser diferente. A maturidade, a responsabilidade e o jogo de cintura foram os pilares
de toda a nossa vida lisboeta, tanto nos estudos como na convivência social. Foi um
ano repleto de experiências novas, conquistas e aprendizados que levaremos para a
vida toda.
After many bureaucratic processes, disappointments and surprises, we
received the news that everything was fine. We just had to organize our bags as the
plane was leaving towards Lisbon, Portugal. We did it! Lisbon already surpassed all of
our expectations during the first days, and it could not be any different throughout the
whole period we would spend there. The maturity, the responsibility and adaptability
were essential foundations for our life in Lisbon, both in the academic aspect as in the
social coexistence part. It was a year full of new experiences, conquers and
knowledge that we will keep for the rest of our lives.