Local development associations: A study of their nature, missions and organizational challenges

Spanish Journal of Rural Development

Escola Politécnica Superior de Lugo. Campus Universitario s/n 27002 Lugo. España
Lugo / ES
Site: http://www.sjruraldevelopment.org
Telefone: (34) 982823278
ISSN: 2171 1216
Editor Chefe: Ignacio J. Díaz-Maroto Hidalgo
Início Publicação: 31/08/2009
Periodicidade: Trimestral
Área de Estudo: Multidisciplinar

Local development associations: A study of their nature, missions and organizational challenges

Ano: 2012 | Volume: 3 | Número: 1
Autores: Cristóvão, A., Baptista, A.
Autor Correspondente: Cristóvão, A. | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: Local development associations, partnerships, rural development, rural extension, management and sustainability issues

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Inglês:

In the past, in Portugal, as in other European countries, Rural Extension work was promoted by the Ministries of Agriculture, and focused on the farming community. Today, this work is performed by a constellation of organizations, mostly private or nonprofit ones. Besides, in the early 90’s, the EU promoted LEADER Initiative. Presently there are 53 LEADER regions established in Portugal each one being managed by a Local Development Association (LDA) and animated by a Local Action Group (LAG). These Associations are local networks or partnerships, involving different actors and sectors. Their activities aim at “animating” rural territories, diversifying the economy and promoting revitalization initiatives. They represent one of the new faces of Rural Extension work in Europe, more decentralized, with a wider focus, base on multidisciplinary teams. In this paper we present the results of a study of 17 Portuguese LDAs. We gathered information produced under the Q3 Project on each LDA: Reports of Organizational Assessment; qualitative interviews; and final evaluation surveys completed by consultants, technicians and directors. This information was further complemented through document analysis. The study presents elements about the profile, missions, objective and activities developed by these organizations, and identifies the major organizational problems they face, particularly in respect to its management and sustainability. In general, the diagnosis of the LDAs revealed some major weaknesses, especially: lack or failure in setting a strategy; poor leadership; lack of financial sustainability; gaps in human resources; organizational weaknesses, poor communication and others.