Desde a Unidade Alemã a historiografia sobre o pós-guerra também tem sido escrita a partir da experiência dos civis, no cotidiano dos bombardeios, das fugas e expulsões do leste alemão. Finalmente, gente daquela época pode partilhar o sofrimento, apesar da culpa por crimes de guerra que é mantida sobre os alemães. Há fóruns de debate, lembranças partilhadas na internet, memórias publicadas, entrevistas concedidas.
Palavras-chave: Segunda Guerra, pós-1945, cotidiano.
Since German Unity post-war historiography has also been written according to civil people´s experience, on the daily life during and after war, under continuous and strong bombing of the cities and expulsion from East German. experience, on the daily life during and after war, under continuous and strong bombing of the cities and expulsion from East German. Finally, those people who are still alive and their children can speak about their suffer thought guiltiness maintained over the Germans. There are forums for discussions, writings published in internet, memories in books and interviews.
Key-words: IIWW, after 1945, daily life.