Mineração ilegal, seletividade penal e racismo ambiental: análise a partir da “Operação Dilema de Midas”

Revista Avant

Rua Roberto Sampaio Gonzaga - Centro de Ciências Jurídicas (CCJ/UFSC) - Trindade
Florianópolis / SC
Site: https://ojs.sites.ufsc.br/index.php/avant
Telefone: (48) 3721-5603
ISSN: 2526-9879
Editor Chefe: Christian Souza Pioner e Milena Ovídio Valoura
Início Publicação: 16/03/2017
Periodicidade: Semestral
Área de Estudo: Direito

Mineração ilegal, seletividade penal e racismo ambiental: análise a partir da “Operação Dilema de Midas”

Ano: 2022 | Volume: 6 | Número: 2
Autores: Pedro Stadtler Rocha dos Santos
Autor Correspondente: Pedro Stadtler Rocha dos Santos | [email protected]

Palavras-chave: Garimpo ilegal, Bacia do Tapajós, Seletividade penal, Racismo ambiental, Operação Dilema de Midas

Resumos Cadastrados

Resumo Português:

O artigo investiga as razões pelas quais o ouro extraído em terras indígenas ingressa facilmente como ativo lícito no Brasil. Como hipótese inicial, estabeleceu-se que a facilidade na ocultação da origem do ouro no Brasil ocorre porque os povos indígenas são desumanizados e os principais beneficiários da cadeia produtiva do ouro representam grandes interesses econômicos. Nesse sentido, a partir da análise do Processo nº 000478-10.2019.4.01.3902, da Justiça Federal de Santarém, estudou-se os mecanismos de controle do comércio do ouro no Brasil, bem como suas respectivas fragilidades. Complementarmente, a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica exploratória, estudou-se os conceitos de seletividade penal e racismo ambiental, sob a ótica da criminologia verde e criminologia crítica, como forma de fornecer um substrato para a análise social dos dados coletados no Processo nº 000478-10.2019.4.01.3902. Nesse sentido, concluiu-se que os mecanismos de controle de ouro são, de fato, fracos e que a principal razão para isso é a seletividade penal e o racismo ambiental aos quais estão sujeitos os povos originários.

Resumo Inglês:


The article investigates the reasons why the gold extracted from indigenous lands enters, as a legal asset, the Brazilian market. As an initial hypothesis, it was suggested that the precedence of the gold is easily hidden because of the dehumanization of the indigenous people and the great economic power of those who benefit from it. Thus, through the analysis of the Process number 000478-10.2019.4.01.3902, in the Federal Justice of Santarém, it was studied the control mechanisms of gold commerce in Brazil and its fragilities. Additionally, through bibliographic research, it was studied the concepts of criminal justice system selectivity and environmental racism, under the lens of the critical criminology and green criminology, as a mean to provide a theorical subtract to analyze the data of the Process. It was concluded that the control mechanisms of gold acquisition are indeed weak and that the main reason for that is criminal selectivity and the environmental racism that indigenous peoples are subjected to. The article is dedicated to the analysis of how the criminal justice system selectivity is represented in the processes of criminalization and due diligence mechanisms. Thus, it was investigated the means from which the illegally mined gold enters, as a financial asset, the national financial system. To support the analysis, it was studied the “Operação Dilema de Midas”, that originated the “Processo nº 0000478-10.2019.4.01.3902”, in the Federal Justice of Santarém, in the State of Pará. It was identified that the inexistence of previous research of the amount of gold some mining areas are to produce is the main mechanism of illegal gold laundering. It was concluded that, because it privileges economic interests instead of bodies who are subject to racism, the regulations regarding gold acquisition in Brazil are inefficient on purpose. Thus, in the present case study, the criminals are privileged and the victims, by the concept of biopolitics, are humans who can be killed without further consequences.